How would it feel to…

Where abandoning your authentic self to achieve success isn’t part of the formula

Sounds delicious, right? 

It’s no secret you’re deeply devoted to your vision

I know It means a lot to you to be able to…

Feel held by a personalised business ecosystem that leads to sustainable consistent income without compromising your wellbeing or integrity.

Undoubtedly trust yourself to make decisions and take the aligned action that will lead you to your version of success

Show up with calm confidence bringing your whole authentic self to the world of your work never abandoning any part of yourself at the alter of anothers opinions.

Be in-distractible to the insistent demands for your attention because you’re deeply anchored into your power, vision and unique path.

Take those beautiful visions of yours from a ‘ping’ of an idea to life with confidence, clarity and ease while feeling deeply connected to the entity of your vision.

Live into your most well-resourced values-led life and business so that you can have the spaciousness to breathe life into what matters most to you.

…yet you’re still left running circles around yourself craving that very business, aligned with your unique gifts which allows you to end each day knowing your business isn't just thriving, it's breathing deeply with you.

In order to do that, you need a business ecosystem unique to YOU...

The kind that supports you to deeply connect with your intuition and unique gifts and distill a personalised strategy so that you can bring the full scope of your wisdom to your work and be able to discern what is for you and what isn't. 

No longer finding yourself drowning in the sea of distraction and conditioning that keeps you from trusting yourself to create the breathable business we both know you’re here for. 

The thing is…

Self-doubt and overwhelm have become your constant companions, drowning out the calm yet confident hum of your intuition. 

You don’t have a clear personalised strategy that feels aligned with your unique vision, gifts and needs, that guides you past the fog surrounding your vision and clears the path for taking aligned action.

Having a business that lets you breathe deeply isn’t some illusive pipe dream reserved only for a select few, you know? 

You shouldn’t have to abandon your authentic self and hustle your way to success, holding your breath until you can catch a break  

The thing is there is a way, it starts with YOU and your foundations as a visionary.

Breathable Business Oracle


The 1:1 experience to close your self-trust gap, turn the volume up on your intuition and distil your unique business ecosystem so that you can craft a business that lets you breathe and lead the abundantly resourced life you came here for. 

Breathable Business Oracle was the experience I knew I needed to create…


I understand what it's like to abandon your authentic self at the altar of another's comfort in an attempt to create success.  

So much so that you lose touch with who you are and find yourself getting lost in the void of the next ‘IT strategy’ leaving you drowning in self-doubt and confused about your role as a visionary in business.

For me, this showed up as...

🥲 Believing what others thought of me was what defined the truth of who I am and presenting that version of myself within the world of my work.

🥲 Wearing a metaphorical mask in every interaction that led me to wear it when I was alone with myself because I’d convinced myself the masked version of me was more worthy and desirable and that creating success would be easier that way. 

🥲 Taking on other's values, dreams and expectations as my own leaving me burnt out and bitter - Definitely not a good place for a projector to be.

This is why for the past 5 years I’ve guided clients to remember their authentic selves so they can show up, create and lead from a place of calm confidence and unshakable self-trust all while being indistractable to the glitter bombs (aka what’s ‘hot’ or the new ‘IT’ strategy) constantly demanding their attention.

This all sounds great, but how?


This all sounds great, but how? ☯︎

Force to Flow - Meh to Magnetic - Worry to Wealthy - Confusion to Clarity - Chaos to Confidence


We will illuminate your unique visionary identity and gifts through the lens of guided inner exploration, intuitive wisdom, human design and most importantly your own inner knowing as we build your baseline so you can breathe deeply day in and day out - your vessel must come first... Say it with me…
Vessel before Vision

Then it’s time to take the pulse of your business vision so we can distil your unique business ecosystem and craft personalised strategies that support you to create the spaciousness you crave and lead your most abundantly resourced life and business.

All while purposefully turning the volume up on your intuitive connection to support curious and confident creation, transformational client experiences and sustainable growth allowing you to feel held right now and in the future.

Let’s not forget one of the most important steps - To close your self-trust gap, so you can feel confident in your decision-making, show up anchored in your wholeness, and follow your uniquely crafted flow, trusting there’s no need for force. 

All so you can bring your business vision to life with the kind of simplicity and ease that deep down you know is not just a pipe dream—allowing you to give even more of your time and energy to the things that breathe light into your life (and not rely on your business to do and be, it all).

Choose your path…


I understand that there are different seasons in business and life that require varying flavours of support. BB Oracle offers two levels of support to meet you where you’re at, I trust you to make your most aligned selection. 

Whether you want to dive deep into the world of your business 1:1 over 4 months or exhale with a 90-minute strategy intensive - I trust you will find what you need.

4 Month Breathable Business Oracle

The deepest level of support available to you. 

Over 4 months you will be guided 1:1 to close your self-trust gap, turn the volume up on your intuition and distil your unique business ecosystem  

→ 2x 1:1 Calls per month for 4 months

→ Private message support Tues-Thurs

→ Full Access to BBO Portal.
Ever-evolving with online classes and resources


Single Payment: $4597 AUD
Split Payment: 8x $575 AUD per fortnight


Exhale Strategy Session

The 90-minute strategy session to exhale your overwhelm and move forward with personalised guidance. 

This is for you if you have an acute focus:

→ Offer ideation

→ Launch ideation

→ Content Strategy/Planning

→ Intuitive development support

→ Levering your Human Design in business


Single Payment: $500 AUD

If you would like more clarity on if breathable business is for you, and how coming together could support you I invite you to book a 20-minute clarity call to ensure this is the most aligned space for you and we together are a delicious fit.



Remember ☯︎


is going to look different for every visionary

I think this is what makes breathable business so beautiful, it honours you as the visionary who was chosen by your vision to bring it to life in your own unique way - not to follow the masses and conform to some way of creating that is so far from your soul self.


Starting your day with gentle whispers that guide your rituals – sometimes a sunrise walk welcoming magic and a grounding meditation to set your intention for the day. Moving throughout your work with calm confidence, listening deeply and allowing your intuition to guide you. 

You’re not one for loads of structure. You create best when inspiration lands like a gentle ping while in nature, recording its magic in your voice note app and later weaving it into content that resonates like a whispered secret.  

As your day winds down, you reflect on the impact with a deep sense of gratitude knowing your business isn't just thriving, it's breathing deeply with you.


Starting your day with a run or gym session - anything to leave you feeling alive and IN your body.

You thrive with structure as your foundation, always leaving room for spontaneity. Your expression is direct and clear, leaving no room for ambiguity. 

You create best in the company of your go-to playlist, you're not afraid to think outside the box and try new things to see your ideas come to life in their most delicious form.

As your day winds down, you reflect on the impact with a deep sense of gratitude knowing your business isn't just thriving, it's breathing deeply with you.

It could also look nothing like the above.
If you have read any of what I’ve shared and thought it’s all just a ‘nice to have’ not something that’s possible for you - we need to talk.


  • Chloe is a creative genius. Her ability to tap into your soul, to see through your layers into your truest essence is unmatched. She allowed me to see past so much that was holding me back in moving into my new vision and stepping into the identity required for my next level. She saw the boldness in me ready to be unleashed, which as an MG is our secret sauce for success but one we often hold back out of for fear of being ‘too much’ and she really gave me permission to activate the other parts of me. Chloe’s ability to channel, mix the magic of astrology and HD and see you as the whole human is unparalleled. She creates such a beautiful nurturing space to be all of you and the perfect anchor point to birth your vision into its clarity from source to 3D.

    - Lauren

  • One of the beautiful things about working with Chloe is that she immediately creates a safe landing place for any and all your feelings and thoughts about what you want for your life and your vision. By the time our 90 minutes was over, I felt so refreshingly in love with my vision for my life and my businesses – Chloe helped me remember that I have dreams well worth bringing to life. That I deserve to have my dreams take physical (and metaphysical) form!

    Chloe also lives in the real world: she helped me consider some structure and systems to support me AND my vision (in part by recognising that we aren’t one and the same). So I had some tools and practices that would help me stay connected, and allow me to move forward constructively and tangibly with all the pieces and parts in tow.

    Working with Chloe is absolute magic, and her brand of magic is infectious. She’ll remind you of how special you are, and how you have all the things you need – with a little support on the side maybe – to bring amazing things forward.

    - Susan

  • Chloe is always open, honest and real and sessions with her can be deep, light, fun and everything in between! She holds the perfect amount of space for you and your thoughts to guide you in a way that is both nurturing and supportive.

    If there is any sort of disjoint between where you are and where you wish to be, be it physically, mentally or spiritually, working with Chloe is a perfect way to begin the journey to step towards yourself again.

    - Louise





I have an application process in place for longer-term containers especially to ensure it’s a delicious fit for you as a client and for me to know that I am the best person to support you. BBO isn’t for everyone, nor am I and I don’t think it’s important to honour what is right for everyone involved.


This is an offer I wish existed when I was first starting out. What I will say is that If you decided only yesterday you’re starting your business this likely isn’t for you - however, if you’re early days please apply if you feel called to BBO because this could be the support that allows you to thrive in all ways from the start.


Yes absolutely! personalised strategy is my jam. Before we dive into strategy it’s important that we bring forward your truest soul self and begin to close your self-trust gap so that the integration of your personalised strategy not only resonates it works now and into the future, no longer falling into the self-sabotage trap.



Founder of The Breathable Business Method, Human Design Guide & Psychic Medium.

Throughout my life, I've dared to do life and business differently. You could say it's that I’ve always had an eye for ease; or the rebellious and revolutionary energy of Uranus that makes its energy known through every corner of my natal chart. 

No matter what, there’s no question that now I take an intuitive and holistic approach to all I do and it has served me well.

So much so I… 

  • Built a booked-out business while taking over 6 months off social media, simply through word of mouth. The art of connection, resonance and integrity has never let me down.

  • More than tripled my income in the month following trusting myself in resigning from a job my body was saying ‘Get me out’. 

  • Am where I am today after packing my life into 41kg of luggage with no job, no friends, $2,000 to my name and a knowing I wasn’t going to take any job ‘for the sake of misaligned security’ (Looking back it sounds a little crazy, yet I’m grateful for the courage my past self had not to settle).

  • Said goodbye to my successful Hairdressing career; As I was on the edge of next level success. I could have never imagined the blessings that came my way as a result of walking away from what I'd always known.